Special Offers & The Latest News

Our first few months as Apple Tree Hill in our new studio have been great. We're so pleased to have seen so many new and returning customers.
There's still time to book one of our special offers before they finish on 31st December this year. Whether its portraits or weddings you're wanting, we have two great deals on offer.
25% Off Gold Wedding Package
£50 Studio Portrait Offer

MADE Festival
We're very pleased to be teaming up with local business owner Pete Thornton Smith for the MADE Festival for businesses and entrepreneurs.
Pete will be hosting a free workshop: "How to Covert Strangers into Clients or Contacts". A great event for anyone driven to succeed in business!
Apple Tree Hill will be filming and photographing the event as new move for the company into commercial videography.
Commercial with Moors Creative and Mirage
Since rebranding as Apple Tree Hill, the studio has seen many different clients walk through the doors. We've been very excited to work on some photography with Kristian from Moors Creative, a Sheffield based design agency. Here's some of the latest work for local company Mirage on their latest stainless steel products about to hit the shelves...