Review: Sleeklens 'Forever Thine' Wedding Workflow
This month I've had the opportunity to review the new 'Forever Thine' workflow from Sleeklens.com, which is specifically designed for...

Special Offers & The Latest News
Our first few months as Apple Tree Hill in our new studio have been great. We're so pleased to have seen so many new and returning...

New Studio, New Name; Same Quality from our Team
It is with great pleasure, we're pleased to announce that after many months of hard work and development, that Charlie Barker Photography...

Christmas 2015 & Business Developments
That time of year has come around once again and I would like to take the opportunity to wish my customers a Merry Christmas and a Happy...

Workshops & New Published Work
​​ Charlie Barker Photography is very pleased to announce the launch of photography workshops and individual tuition. There are two basic...

New Year, New Site, New Packages
2014 was a great year for business. Alongside my personal portrait and wedding clients, I welcomed onboard several new commercial...

Win a Charlie Barker Photography photoshoot
Once again I am pleased to be sponsoring the Wath Festival Young Performers Award with a photoshoot prize for the winner. If you're a...

New look website & UNICEF event
Thanks for stopping by to read my blog. It's been a busy few months working with my two major clients, a firm of jewellers and a...
Photoshoot winners!
So after a busy spring working with various events and performers, I'm pleased to tell you the young musicians who have won the...

Seeing is not believing...
In the never-ending journey of acquiring new skills and learning, tonight I've been exploring the editing techniques found mostly within...